In today’s world, social media usage has become a norm for both men and women and integral to our daily lives. It’s a world-wide phenomenon, connecting about seventy percent of the globe’s population and an excellent source for gather information, connecting with our friends, family and even growing a business.
In addition, over the years, it has become increasingly apparent that social media users have grown to trust and rely on their preferred social networks for everything from news and updates to product research and much more.
As a result, don’t hesitate to engage Tim, Winges Carpentry, on any of the following social media platforms. While Tim may not respond right away, your comments and messages will always make way to email for a direct response.
To engage with Winges Carpentry on Facebook, directly, or through a message on the Winges Carpentry Timeline, don’t hesitate to click below to access Facebook comments section directly over this website. You can submit a comment, follow Winges Carpentry, share our service and much more. Please note that you will require a modern browser to view and interact with Winges Carpentry through this method.
Winges Carpentry is pleased to be available on Instagram, where we share photos from our latest projects. Instagram is one of the largest photo and video sharing platforms in the world. Images uploaded are often organized by hashtag and associated with locations we service. Don’t hesitate to comment on our service and let other’s know about your experience with Winges Carpentry.
YouTube is a free video sharing platform that makes it very easy to watch online videos. You can even create and upload your own videos to share with others. Originally created in 2005, YouTube is now one of the most popular sites on the Internet, with visitors watching around 6 billion hours of video every month. Don’t hesitate to view some our renovation videos!
Scan our QR bar code with your smart phone and add us instantly to your contacts list.
Winges Carpentry is pleased to be a registered, participating member, of Trusted Pro’s Contractor Network. Thousands of Canadians use Trusted Pro’s to find and hire the best possible contractor for their home improvement project, every year.
Winge’s carpentry is pleased to be of service throughout our National Capital Region and surrounding suburban and exurban areas. Don’t hesitate to review our Services Areas Overview to determine if we can take on your project.
period restoration, construction, renovations, dormers, bathroom, custom turnings, windows, doors, Mountain,
Ottawa, Manotick, Metcalf, Osgoode, North Gower, Kemptville, Merrickville, Spencer, Morrisburg, Smith’s Falls,
Kitchen Renovation