Originally Published By: Advanced Printing
Restoring a home, a room, or a favorite spot in your house is an exciting and usually meaningful project. Sometimes what needs to be done goes beyond the expertise of the average homeowner. When that happens, Tim Winges of Winges Carpentry Service is prepared to step in and help you realise your home renoivations goals. Tim is a period restoration specialist.
Tim is a licensed journey man, who has been working in the five aspects of carpentry for the past twenty-five years. From a squawky door to a small addition, Winges Carpentry offers just what you need.
Tim Winges philosophy is simple, “I take a great deal of pleasure and pride in what I do,” says Tim. He learned the patience and gained the experience that is so necessary in this trade, years ago.
His first job, when was 17, was working for the D. Kemp Edwards lumberyard in Ottawa. He remembers, “I was hired operate the lathe that had to be the biggest and oldest one in the city.” The lathe was a turn of the century machine that could handle a piece of wood 14 feet long.
Winges Carpentry Service has been resorting furniture, homes, building additions, and taking on projects that require that special touch, for quite a few years. Whether it is a stairway that needs to be refinished or balustrades that have to be restored, Winges Carpentry service can do it.
In his spare time, away from his restoration commitment, Tim likes to make fine wood artifacts such a hand-turned candlesticks. He is also busy with different projects that give him an opportunity to pursue his love of woodwork and finishing.
Working with Tim Winges is easy and satisfying. “I go out and see my clients and they explain to me what it is they want done. I am then able to show them how I will achieve the results that they want. The costs that I quote to my customers stay the same as when we agreed on them.” Sometimes a particular job will evolve and change depending on the situation. Tim says that if the costs of project changes it is usually a decrease. He does not add any unnecessary work to any project. Good, reliable and honest service is what all of Tim’s clients expect and receive.
Tim loves a challenge. He recently completed one part of an ongoing project for the United McKay United Church in Ottawa. What the church wanted was four sets of large oak doors restored and refinished. Each one was 40 inches wide and majestic 9 feet high. The doors, leading to the outside of the church have been in use for at least 100 years. It was time to bring them back to their original state.
“The older the piece, the more handwork that has to be done,” points out Tim. When refinishing stairs for example, he likes to strip them by hand. Tim says that if he does the stairs this way there will be no lines in the wood left over from an electric sander.
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“Often when you are working on a piece of furniture or on a project in a house, I like to use methods as close to the original as possible.” He says in the Glebe area of downtown Ottawa he has done a number of projects, restoring Victorian trim on some of the older homes. “Much of the trim on many of the homes has just been painted over the years. I will go up and find what pieces of the actual trim have to be replaced. Then I will replace the pieces with the exact reproductions of the damaged trim.”
Winges Carpentry Service is available for many different types of restoration and repair challenges. The logo in their business cards is a stylized drawing of a rocking chair underneath a roof. The message is clear.
Tim Winges of Winges Carpentry Service enjoys a challenge and appreciates the feelings that his clients have for that special project they to do. He also respects the time, effort, and money they are prepared to spend.
Tim works for and with his customers, ensuring they have the service that they need and a product that are more than satisfied with.
Winges Carpentry is pleased to be a registered, participating member, of Trusted Pro’s Contractor Network. Thousands of Canadians use Trusted Pro’s to find and hire the best possible contractor for their home improvement project, every year.
Winges Carpentry is pleased to be a registered, participating member, of Trusted Pro’s Contractor Network. Thousands of Canadians use Trusted Pro’s to find and hire the best possible contractor for their home improvement project, every year.