Winges Carpentry, is fully committed to ensuring our customers, past, present and future, have an open line of communication with us, at all times. As a result, we offer a number of very easy-to-use, online contact methods to help facilitate in the communication process. Don’t hesitate to choose the option that works for you and we look forward to hearing from you.
If you have comments, complaints or complements, we want to hear from you. If you wish to book an appointment with us or inquire about our services and pricing, we have trained representatives, ready to take your call, email or text message. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for immediate assistance and we will be pleased to answer all of your questions.
Our regular business hours are from 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. We are available around-the-clock for emergencies. We may be available, intermittently on Saturdays. Please note that our best efforts are made to respond to your calls and emails, outside of our regular business hours.
Our online live call service allows you to establish an instant, direct VoIP call between your specified phone number and Winges Carpentry. Launch the application by clicking below, enter your phone number then click on Call. Its quick, efficient and easy to use.
Our Live Help Operators offer a great way to get answers to most of your frequently asked questions, fast. This service is available throughout North America from 9AM – 6PM, E.S.T., covering all time zones and is an ideal communication method if you’re sitting at your computer. Don’t hesitate to use this feature, specifically designed for ease of use and convenience. To initiate a “Live Chat” simply click on the button below, to get started.
Winges Carpentry is pleased to be a registered, participating member, of Trusted Pro’s Contractor Network. Thousands of Canadians use Trusted Pro’s to find and hire the best possible contractor for their home improvement project, every year.
Text messaging has become a widely-accepted standard of communication. As a result, don’t hesitate to send us a text message, directly through our website. To get started, simply click on the button below. Enter your details and message and click on send. Simple!
Scan our QR bar code with your smart phone and add us instantly to your contacts list.
10090 Shaw Road
Mountain, ON
K0E 1S0
Telephone: (613) 715-4550
Email Address: or
period restoration, construction, renovations, dormers, bathroom, custom turnings, windows, doors, Mountain,
Ottawa, Manotick, Metcalf, Osgoode, North Gower, Kemptville, Merrickville, Spencer, Morrisburg, Smith’s Falls,
Kitchen Renovation